
Strategic Plan

A Roadmap for 2024 and Beyond


See The Future. Make It Happen.

Engage. Learn. Lead. Serve.

Our MISSION remains the same.
We educate the next generation of leaders to improve the health of our society.

ACPHS strives to be a global leader in preparing students for transformative health careers to solve problems that change the world.

Student-centered, integrity, respect, collaboration, community and excellence.

Strategic Plan 2024-2029

Strategic Plan Overview

Strategic Plan 2019-2024




Pillars and Goals

We have identified five pillars that reinforce our mission, vision and core values. 它们是推动我们战略计划向前发展的关键优先事项. We have called it a roadmap because we recognize that with yearly reviews there will be the need to refocus and strategize to stay relevant based on our scans of the environment. Each pillar is broken up into specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-based (SMART) goals that will serve as the focus of our actions in the following years.

  • Academic Excellence
  • Quality Student Experience
  • People and Culture
  • Engaging with Communities
  • Financial Strength & Stewardship
Pillar 1. Academic Excellence
The Future

奥尔巴尼药学与健康科学学院 has maintained its standing as an educator par excellence. Our offerings now include a strong distance education footprint, including fully online programs. Instruction occurs in person and through new modalities, such as augmented reality and gaming. 我们的研究实验室充满了活力. Our academic reputation and enrollment are boosted by a self-sustaining research program with 20 extramurally funded faculty members, as well as the reputation of CBET, a critical part of the regional biopharma ecosystem we have helped cultivate.

Making it Happen

Goal 1.1:推出新的、创新的学术课程

  • 从现有的项目中建立三个在线项目(生物医学科学硕士), MS Cytotechnology, MS Biomanufacturing & Bioprocessing)
  • Build/acquire MS programs in fields such as Data Science, Genetic Counseling, Health Law and Policy
  • 建立/获得健康科学等领域的学士学位课程, Exercise Science/Sports Medicine, Health Psychology, Bioinformatics, Nursing
  • Build successful micro-credentialing, certificate, 和/或生命科学等领域的副学士学位课程, Allied Health Sciences, Biomanufacturing & Bioprocessing, Continuing Professional Development, Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Pharmacy
  • Build dual enrollment and transfer agreements with other institutions (including colleges and high schools)
  • 除大学招聘外,还为特定项目招聘

Goal 1.2: Grow existing programs through data-informed solutions, improved efficiencies, and innovations

  • 实现所有认证项目的全面认证
  • Enhance curriculum of all programs by creating data driven changes and assessment plans
  • 使通识教育课程现代化
  • 优化药学博士课程的先决条件和课程结构
  • Build clinical communication simulation lab for interdisciplinary learning opportunities
  • Maximize enrollment in existing programs (to capacity levels provided by associate dean and department chair)

Goal 1.3 Promote breakthrough research

  • Increase intramural funding for research
  • 增加校外补助金申请和资助
  • Increase research activities visibility on website, media and social media
  • 启动升级的研究和实验室设备库存系统
  • 将MBB计划与ACPHS核心学术课程相结合
Pillar 2. Quality Student Experiences
The Future

Inclusivity and belonging at ACPHS are ubiquitous on campus and throughout our virtual classes too. Students share their satisfaction in formal surveys and through word of mouth, in person and across social media. First-year retention rates remain above 90 percent and online graduation rates are well above national averages. 学生们反映教学质量非常好, 参与和乐趣的机会无与伦比, and the school is a valuable investment, where they would re-enroll if given the opportunity to make their choice again. Prospective students clamor to join them.

Making it Happen

Goal 2.1:提高学生在课堂上的成功

  • 制定并执行正式的学生入职流程
  • 在每个项目中实施第一年的高互动经验
  • 扩大有效的课程,培养全面发展的学生
  • Establish a successful testing center
  • 培养高绩效和创新的教学文化, 通过适当的人员配备程序进行交付和评估

Goal 2.2:扩大学生在课堂外的成功

  • 在整个社区培养一种参与的文化
  • 为有风险的学生提供正式的支持
  • 增加和多样化校园活动机会
  • Develop a long-term plan for student athletics to attract and retain students
  • 基于数据优化学生满意度

Goal 2.3 .优先考虑健康和包容性支持

  • 加强校园对包容性校园通道的支持
  • Implement recommendations of the International Student Advisory Council (ISAC)
  • Diversify food and culture options

Goal 2.4: Execute a revised Campus Master Plan

  • 使校园发展与当前的战略计划目标保持一致
  • Conduct a campus accessibility review
Pillar 3. People and Culture
The Future

The campus is thriving and engaging, a place where excellence, collaboration, service and leadership, especially, are nurtured. Leadership development and professional development experiences are robust and satisfying. Employees rate the school a top workplace, 高绩效的教职员工竞争职位. 高影响力的倡议吸引有影响力的捐助者的兴趣. 积极参与的校友增加了学生的机会.

Making it Happen

Goal 3.1 .以人为本:“文化是每个人的工作”

  • 扩大内部社区参与的机会
  • Adopt departmental policies, procedures, behaviors, and a culture reflective of our core values
  • 通过职业发展促进终身学习和领导能力
  • 扩大校友与学生之间的工作指导联系
  • Increase the well-being, professional development, and engagement opportunities for all employees

Goal 3.2: Create an Advancement Partner (e.g., dean, faculty, unit leader, etc.) Spotlight Initiative

  • 创造一种“最佳(一致)想法获胜”的文化。
  • 确定项目、中心和计划中的“新星”
  • Mobilize “stars” and their impact into constellations of stars for big ideas
  • Orient advancement partners to emerging trends and best practices in philanthropy

Goal 3.3:在组织的各个层面实现卓越运营

  • Implement a leadership development program for high potential individuals
  • 优化人才获取和成长计划(内部和外部)
  • 利用外部伙伴关系建设可持续能力
  • 使用最先进的数据处理、分析和报告工具
  • 优化直接招生申请
  • 全面实施AACRAO报告中的建议
Toyin Tofade cuts a ribbon at MVP event
Pillar 4. Engaging with Communities
The Future

The school’s strengthened ties with partners throughout the Capital Region, New York State, the nation and indeed the globe have raised awareness of ACPHS among all stakeholders, 吸引潜在的学生和捐赠者. We are a critical part of a biopharmaceutical hub created in partnership with industry as well as our higher education partners and economic developers. Our partnerships, on every continent except Antarctica, 允许学生参与轮岗, 留学项目和就业机会. Faculty increase their collaborations nationally and around the world due to these partnerships.

Making it Happen

Goal 4.1: Amplify the ACPHS brand

  • Showcase and broadcast ACPHS stories
  • Accentuate community relationships and deliver solutions for a healthier community through service and health promotion
  • 加强地方、国家和国际伙伴关系
  • 根据战略计划执行市场/广告计划
  • Establish CBET in the community as a driver for economic growth in life sciences, biotech and biopharma

Goal 4.2:创建一个虚拟的企业和公众参与中心

  • 优化学院及其外部合作伙伴的外展和成果
  • Develop a dynamic top/key partners list

Goal 4.3: Expand the experiential network

  • Build a local, national and international network of preceptors and collaborators
  • 利用经验网络作为增值招聘工具
  • Increase alumni outreach and engagement
  • Develop community calendar for Collaboratory and student-operated pharmacies
  • 评估学生经营药房对社区的影响
ACPHS Campus on a beautiful fall day
Pillar 5. Financial Strength & Stewardship
The Future

A mindset driven by growth and entrepreneurship has ensured the long-term sustainability of our institution. Enrollment of around 2,000 students and new donor gifts totaling over $10 million provide a solid financial foundation for the school’s ongoing future. 作为该地区及其他地区首屈一指的生物技术培训项目, CBET generates revenues that sustain its programs and allow for investment. Long-term strategic partnerships with other institutions and programs provide income for all parties.

Making it Happen

Goal 5.1: Grow to become a strong university

  • 在组织的各个层面培养企业家的心态
  • 对当前和未来的市场趋势进行全面分析
  • Acquire programs and talents that will transform the trajectory of the institution
  • 制定稳健的营销策略以实现最佳增长

Goal 5.2:利用CBET作为关键的ACPHS差异化因素

  • 在首都地区建立生物制药中心
  • 提供高影响力和高容量的劳动力发展解决方案
  • 为合同研究机会建立健全的渠道
  • 增加CBET的伙伴关系和外部资金

Goal 5.3:打造“顶级前景管理生态圈”

  • 建立核心管理和高影响力的报告流程
  • 制定透明的管道审查流程
  • Strengthen annual giving strategies
  • Create a principal gift planning team

Goal 5.4: Bridge the prosperity gap

  • Increase enrollment to around 2,000
  • 平衡经营预算和强劲的财务前景
  • 支持慈善和社区参与的文化
  • 发展关键联盟,实现规模经济
  • 提供有效的技术解决方案(CRM,电子商务)

Goal 5.5 .实施核心之外的变革

  • 确定大胆的想法,推动学院不断前进
  • Create a committee of champions to review and prioritize opportunities for diversification, geographical expansion and development of outside-the-box initiatives and ideas
  • Implement technology solutions of the future (AI, virtual reality, augmented reality, gaming lounges